What is OYAP?

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a program that enables students to learn a skilled trade while completing the requirement for their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (O.S.S.D.) and is fully supported by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

The partnership involves a student who wants to learn a skilled trade, the school cooperative education teacher who arranges and monitors the placement, an employer who provides the training.  Currently, the Skilled Trades Ontario will be responsible for certification while the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development will be responsible for all training.

Students who are in an apprenticeship trade placement within their coop class must be 15 years of age and have earned 14 credits to be eligible to be registered as an OYAP Participant.

View a list of Apprentice Trades and the Red Seal Website.

View the OYAP Students FAQ.

I Want to Work in the Trades

Facts to Consider

Demographics and labour market statistics suggest that within the next few years many skilled trades people will be retiring.  By 2028 the youngest baby boomer will turn 65.  This will present opportunities for young people interested in beginning a skilled occupation.

In Ontario many students do not attend university or college after leaving high school. A number of these students enjoy learning by doing. A work experience in a skilled trade through the OYAP option can provide these students with an early start in a career with a future.

The average age of an apprentice in Ontario is 26 years. The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program enables high school students to begin careers in the skilled trades at a much earlier age. There are over 130 skilled occupations in Ontario. Many of these skilled trades are well paying, secure and provide a great future. In several skilled trades, wage rates are higher than in many other careers and professions.

It takes an average of two to five years to complete an apprenticeship program. In comparison, it takes three to four years to complete a university undergraduate program and two to three years to complete a college program. Apprenticeship training is a cost-effective third option in addition to the traditional community college or university route enabling apprentices to earn while they learn. Between 80-90 per cent of apprenticeship training takes place on the job.

View a short OYAP Video in English          View a short OYAP Video in French

Level 1 Apprenticeship Training Opportunities 

Lambton College offers Level 1 Apprenticeship training for Welder

View a previous class schedule for Welding.

St Clair College in Windsor offers Level 1 Apprenticeship training for Hairstylist , Carpenter, Plumber and Electrician. Visit the Dual Credit Page for more information.

Level 1 Program Information at St Clair College, Windsor

For more information please contact Warren Seton - warren.seton@st-clair.net 

OYAP English Final HD WEB.mp4
OYAP French Final HD WEB.mp4