
Creating Pathways to Success

In 2013 a career development policy for Ontario schools was released, which involves the implementation of a comprehensive Kindergarten to Grade 12 education and career/life planning program designed to help students achieve their personal goals and become competent, successful and contributing members of society.

The goal of this policy is to enhance every student's outlook for success by:

    • supporting students in identifying their personal interests, strengths, needs and aspirations and in using this knowledge of themselves to inform their choices of programs and learning opportunities;

    • provide a wide range of diverse and engaging learning opportunities, courses and programs, both in and outside the classroom that meet the interests, strengths, needs, and aspirations of the students and honour all postsecondary destinations - apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, vocations and the workplace.

The SCCDSB is working hard to give our students the chance to develop their strengths, interests and goals through through many established experiential learning programs such as Co-operative education, the Specialist High Skills Major Program (SHSM), the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) and the Dual Credit Program.

A graphic make up of five ovals displaying the four inquiry questions education and career/life planning: Who am I? What are my opportunities? Who do I want to become? What is my plan for achieving my goals?

The purpose of the myBlueprint website is for students to document their learning in education and career/life planning. As students complete their yearly work, students take responsibility for their learning and for planning their future. Developing the IPP (Individual Pathways Plan) increases students' awareness of their strengths and interests and of the related opportunities for learning and work. Students can then craft their secondary timetable to include courses and forms of experiential learning opportunities (coop, SHSM, OYAP, Dual Credit) that align with their post secondary pathway.

It is the goal of the career/life planning program for every student to make a well researched, informed choice regarding their post secondary destination whether it be apprenticeship, college, community living, university, vocations or the workplace.